
Youneedtofirstincreasethesizeofthepartition,andthenthesizeofthefilesysteminit.Ifindresizingpartitionseasiestwithcfdisk.,Itispossibletodoaon-lineresizeofaext4filesystem,evenifit'syourrootpartition.Usetheresize2fscommand.sudoresize2fs/dev/ ...,First,addthespacetoyoursystem,whetherthatbeinsertingphysicaldrives,allocatingdiskspaceinapoolforyourVM,orjusteditingtheconfiguration ...,You'reworkingonan...

How to expand a root partition without of removing any data?

You need to first increase the size of the partition, and then the size of the file system in it. I find resizing partitions easiest with cfdisk.

How can I resize an ext root partition at runtime?

It is possible to do a on-line resize of a ext4 filesystem, even if it's your root partition. Use the resize2fs command. sudo resize2fs /dev/ ...

Resizing a virtual Linux system partition online

First, add the space to your system, whether that be inserting physical drives, allocating disk space in a pool for your VM, or just editing the configuration ...

How to resize root partition online , on xfs filesystem?

You're working on an XFS filesystem, in this case you need to use xfs_growfs instead of resize2fs. Two commands are needed to perform this task.

Linux Server: online resize root partition

My idea was to enlarge sda3 in the Partition Table (not the FS) and then use resize2fs to online resize it.

Online resize of a root ext4 file system

The following is a guide to resizing your root ext4 file system online. After the operation, your partition will have more free space.

How can i expand root online?

gparted is the best available tool for this; it will automatically convert a request for resizing into the requisite FS-shrink, partition-shrink, move, ...

Live resize root partition on Linux Server (VM)

You can resize your root partition “live”. Assuming your drive has been already resized on the hypervisor side (eg from 20GB to 40GB), you need to follow the ...

How to extend root partition? : rlinuxmint

Right click on the / partition and Resize/Move. Change the values there to allocate more space.

IncreaseExtend Root Filesystem Online Without ...

Learn the step by step process of how to resize a standard partition In Linux without unmounting a filesystem and without downtime.